
Classic Car news

Classic Car Breakdown Cover – How are you covered?


Classic car breakdown cover is such a worthwhile investment for any classic car owner. The last thing you want is to spend time and money on your beloved vehicle, only to end up stranded on the side of the road. If you’re looking into classic car breakdown cover, here are some options for you to consider.

The different types of classic car breakdown cover

Every classic car owner is different, and so the type of cover you’ll need will vary depending on your personal circumstances:

Vehicle Policy

As the name implies, a vehicle policy will provide cover for the car,  but usually the driver will have to be legally insured and potentially named on the owners insurance. Although you must always read the small print on these policies carefully, this type of cover can be useful if different people are going to be driving the vehicle. Perhaps you share it with a friend or family member?

Personal Policy

Although this policy means a single driver can be covered on any vehicle you drive. It will have various restrictions on the type of vehicle and the type of insurance policy you are covered on. For example, our classic car multi-vehicle breakdown would cover all the vehicles and drivers named on the insurance policy. But it won’t cover any person not named on the policy, or any vehicle not insured under the policy. 


Roadside is the most basic level of breakdown cover. If you break down, someone will come to the location of your vehicle and fix it there and then. 

Local recovery

If your classic car breaks down and cannot be fixed at the roadside then they will take it to the nearest garage. It’s important to check your policy as some insurers will only cover you if the closet garage is within a 10 mile radius – and you could end up with a large bill if you’re outside of this area. This type of cover is ideal if you rarely use your classic car and you don’t tend to drive far out into remote places.


National breakdown cover offers more protection than roadside cover as this policy means you and your passengers can be taken to a location of your choosing, anywhere in the UK. This type of cover is ideal if you take your classic car on tour or like to drive long distances around the country.

Home start

Home start cover gives you the peace of mind that your classic car is covered if it won’t start at home. If you have a particularly temperamental classic car, or you’ve kept it off the road over the winter,  it might be a good idea to include home start as part of your cover, as starting it after sitting idle for a while can be an issue.

Onward travel

Onward travel is the most comprehensive cove. If your car isn’t fixable it usually includes car hire for around 3 days, payment for public transport or overnight accommodation. Every policy is different so you’ll need to check what’s included in your specific policy.

European cover

Adding or taking a policy with European cover included will offer the ability to extend the cover you received in the UK to Europe as well. Some will offer cover for the whole year, others for a certain number of days within your policy term such as 30, 60. 90, 180 days. Alternatively, some breakdown policies will allow you to purchase additional European cover by the day, as and when you require it. 

Find out more about our classic car breakdown cover and get a quote

Classic Car News, Inside Classics

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