
UK & European Breakdown Cover

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UK & European Breakdown Cover, included as standard with many of our motorbike insurance policies


We know how frustrating breakdowns can be. That’s why we include UK and European breakdown cover as part of Carole Nash motorbike insurance policies, excluding Carole Nash Select cover. Whether it’s a flat battery, flat tyre, or something else, our breakdown cover adds peace of mind and gives you and your bike the care you deserve.

Breakdown Cover is provided by the RAC. If you took out Breakdown Cover with us before 1 September 2024, your cover is provided by AXA. Please refer to your policy documents for full details of your cover.


What it covers

  • Unlimited call outs - The RAC give you unlimited call outs during the policy year in the UK
  • No call out charge - The RAC don’t charge you for a call out
  • Free labour at the roadside - The RAC won't charge you for labour time to fix your bike at the roadside
  • Misfuel rescue - The RAC will drain, flush, and clean out the fuel system before filling up your bike with up to 10 litres of correct fuel.
  • If the RAC can't fix the motorcycle due to mis-fuelling, they will recover the bike and pillion to a destination of your choice - up to a maximum of 20 miles from the breakdown.
  • Local recovery - The RAC will attend at the roadside as long as you're over 1/4 of a mile from your home address. If your motorcycle can't be fixed, then the RAC will recover the bike and your pillion to a destination of your choice - up to a maximum of 20 miles from the breakdown.
  • If the RAC recover your bike to a garage, they will reimburse you for taxi costs for you and any pillion to continue the journey to a single destination within 20 miles
  • National recovery - If the RAC can't fix your bike at the roadside, they'll recover your bike and your pillion from the breakdown location to a single destination of your choice anywhere in the UK
  • At home cover - This gives you the same benefits as Local Recovery, plus you get assistance at, or within 1/4 mile, of your home address
  • Onward travel - If the RAC can't fix your bike at the roadside and it needs a longer repair, you can choose between either a hire car, alternative transport or overnight accommodation
  • European cover - Cover in 50 countries in mainland Europe and any offshore islands in the Mediterranean Sea.

If the RAC can't fix your bike by your planned departure date and you are within 24 hours of your planned departure date, they'll arrange a hire car for the continuation of your trip for up to 14 consecutive days.

Overall claims limit of £2,500 per claim and 3 claims per policy year, limited to 1 claim per trip. Each trip is limited to a maximum of 90 days.

Got breakdown cover and need help?

Check who your breakdown cover provider is by reading your policy documents, then get in touch. We’re available 24/7, 365 days a year. 

If your breakdown cover is provided by the RAC: 
In the UK, call: 0330 013 2065
If you're in the EU and have opted for EU cover:
Calling from Europe +33 472 43 52 55
Calling from a French landline (freephone) 0800 290 112
Calling from the Republic of Ireland (freephone) 1 800 535 005
Or register your breakdown via the myRAC app

If your breakdown cover is provided by AXA: 
If you’re in the UK, call: 0330 343 8965
If you’re in the EU and have opted for EU cover, call: +44 1737 826 112
Or use our handy online tool